Thursday, 31 March 2011

Inspiration: The Queen

I think can be found anywhere. I love my workplace. My boss is a hardcore collector of music paraphernalia.

I think I'm in good company when I have none other than the queen looking down on me all day.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Lyric Quote of the day: Elastic Love

"Elastic love, everlastic love
Ever lusting love, such a spastic love"

Who knew M.I.A + Christina + Switch would produce such an intresting track.

My Lil Setup

Forever and Always with a little injection of stardust

I'm not musically trained in any kind of way. I can sing. I can hear the music and know if what I'm doing is right or wrong. I'm also constantly teaching myself how to play scales, how to use programs like Logic, Reason and Protools to help put my musical ideas into something real. I think I'm getting there. Recently the flood gates have opened up on how to use Reason which is helping me transform my music into new things!
I recently stumbled upon some effects and sounds on Reason that turned Forever and Always into something intergalactic which oddly enough goes with the lyrics of the song.
Robyn is my clear influence in this track. I think she's pretty amazing.
So here's my Astronomical remix of the track. Hope you like.

Forever and Always (Astronomical Mix) by Thom_edward

Forever and Always. A tale of unconditional love

And here goes. My first soul baring post.
I wrote this song over a year and a half ago. What's interesting I guess about this is that I was in a bit of a dark place. I'd just been hurt by someone that I loved (and still love) so much. Such is life.
What I've come to accept is that being hurt is a part of life. There's no denying it. Loving someone is opening up yourself to be venerable to that person and susceptible to being hurt.
Inevitably, exposing myself to such extreme hurt enabled me to grow and become a stronger person.
What was surprising about my situation was my ability to acknowledge the pain, get past it and channel it into someone creative.
As a result, this person inspired me to write a hyperbole and a tale of unconditional love. Forever and Always is about loving to the extremes. Love beyond the physical and into the spiritual and universal.

Forever and Always by Thom_edward

Hello, Good Morning....


Always wanted a blog but never knew what it should be about.

I'm kind of a private person and I don't express every detail of my life to everyone, however what I can't help but express is my endless love for music. Seemed kind of obvious the blog should be about music.

I love hearing it. I love seeing it. I love being it. I love to create it.

Music to me can be truthful or fictional, serious or stupid, can make you feel emotional or feel nothing at all. I love that it can tell a story.

So here I am, wanting to tell some of my story.