Sunday, 3 April 2011

Attack of the clones: A story of stereotypes

So this is one of a few that's been lurking around the depths of my consciousness, swirling around like a electromagnetic shit storm.

I wrote this my last year uni in 2008 where my passion for music got re-ignited when I did an electronic music production general education subject. I did three years of Economics and Marketing only to be smacked in the face with music at the 11th hour. Seems like no matter how far I deviated from music in life, the path always seems to lead back to it.

I digress. Attack of the clones was a product of an assignment to demonstrate our knowledge of Logic and Protools. Back in 2008, what came out lyrically and musically was a (half finished at the time) tongue in cheek stab at club kids and stereotypes.

Fast forward to 2011 - Attack of the clones continues deep into the galaxy on an intergalactic piss take robotic rampage to seek and question an individual’s psyche and ability to exhibit individuality.

If I was ever to write a song that was ironic, contradictory and hypocritical, this would be it.

Attack of the clones by Thom_edward

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